Tag: vegan

RAW Essentials

Here are some RAW facts about some essential RAW foods and more:

Healthiest oil: Flaxseed oil (flavorless, keep in fridge, eat w/out cooking on salads, on grains, etc.) – has omega 3 fatty acids, is associated with telomeres one standard deviation above normal length, reduces inflammation/eczema, boosts metabolism

xxx Palm Oil xxx: Do not eat this shit, beware it’s in everything. -one of the world’s leading causes of rainforest destruction

Prebiotics: Dandelion greens, avocado, peas and more – prebiotics, as in the food for your microbiome or gut bacteria, approximately 3lb organ in your body that assists in regulating seratonin, preventing diseases, digesting food, other amazing functions

Recommended workout for optimal health: 45 minutes of sustained cardio 3x/week. Add stretches and muscle-building on other days.

xxx Sugar xxx: Sadly, ain’t we all addicted -#1 metabolism slower, big sugar interests are also creepy


Personal Favorites

Coffee: Fair trade, drunk black through a *reusable straw to preserve those pearly white – reduces cognitive decline, liver disease, melanoma, and oxidative stress in blood (disclaimer: perhaps biased evidence affirming my addiction)

Dancing: Burns more calories than running and increases social ties

Fasting: Eat only between hours of noon-9pm – higher functioning cognitive abilities, longer life-span, clean digestion

Grapefruit: blocks reuptake receptors that in turn, concentrates medicines in the body

Green tea: Add some coconut oil and enriched almond milk for a delicious matcha latte! – oil lines the stomach to prevent caffeine overload, almond milk has vitamin D for the Vegans

“Healthy” alcoholic drink: Tequila soda w/ lime (not tonic – which has similar stats to soda surprisingly)

Kombucha: a dank prebiotic

Pillz: B12, This Vegan Supplement, Piracetam – increase bloodflow in brain, Psyllium Husk – binds to toxins in bloodstream

Why Vegan?

Seeing as I’m coming up on the anniversary of my first attempt at Veganism, I wanted to share my reasoning for this deprived, desolate lifestyle. Just kidding, it’s actually been pretty great! Small concession: Many of my friends know me as a “freegan”. This came about at Brea’s work party when I was trying to stick to my newfound Veganism by only eating crackers. To my demise, I crunched into buttery goodness, and rationalized eating vegetarian at social gatherings while only purchasing Vegan products (freeganism). However, I constantly strive to minimize my non-Vegan consumption to foods that will otherwise be spoiled, or in special social circumstances.

Some reasons why I choose to be a V:

Ability (economic, psychological, and physical)

Many people do not have the economic ability to be Vegan, and some critics cite this as a reason why Veganism cannot sustain humankind… right now. I completely recognize that there are people on every continent who must sustain on animal products (such as a rural farmer or people who already do not have food access) and I am in no way suggesting they should become Vegan. Fortunately, I live in a society where it is extremely easy to be Vegan in an affordable manner, that is still yummy and nutritional. This ability to lead a more developed lifestyle, is of course a huge privilege, and I would feel as though I were squandering it by not accessing the Vegan resources.

What are those cute cubes?

The psychological barrier is somewhat of an unspoken barrier as to why many people choose not to be Vegan. My occasional freeganism is evidence of the social-psychological difficulties, but there is also the portion of labels and commitments. After all, it is a relationship with food. Lastly, Veganism requires changing your concept of food and nutrition. I was definitely afraid of tofu at one point. I even had to ease into buying tofu by only buying braised tofu for a year (not economical).

Finally, the easiest scapegoat – the physical barrier. Aside from the physio-psychological barrier that people “need” animal products, there is the very real threat of not getting the proper nutrients. It definitely took me 2 months before I felt 100% on a Vegan diet. This, however, was the fault of lack of information (often not accessible and rarely not taught to us). We now know the food pyramid that the meat and dairy lobbyists sold us is a fucking SHAM, and I guarantee if you take the correct precautions and eat enough protein your body will run like an electric motor. Those may just be cravings…

Sustainability – Veganism reduces carbon emissions. Plants turn carbon into oxygen. Antiobiotic resistance.

Animals (Unnecessary Suffering) – I wouldn’t be opposed to eating an animal that had a perfectly healthy and happy life which died from natural causes. I am, however, opposed to the current, capitalist food production system that values the bottom-line of producing food over the animals’ short experience of life – which is simply miserable. One obvious manifestation of our cognitive dissonance in our ability to justify eating animals is how we call them a different name when they are a “food” product (pig=pork, cow=beef, bloody=rare). Call it what it is people. At least chicken=chicken I guess… but maybe that’s just because people don’t give a fuck about chickens.

P.S. The dairy industry is synonymous with veal industry.

Net sum (Positive) – I first read about this idea by the anti-natalist philosopher. Essentially, if something bad doesn’t happen, the net effect is good. If something good doesn’t happen, the net effect is neutral. Thus, if we don’t hurt animals, it is good. And if we miss out on the yummy food along the way, it is neutral. Therefore, net sum is positive.

Does it still have calories if it’s vegan?

Health – You live longer and have less heart disease. Evidence: forced Veganism in Western European countries due to Nazi confiscation of all animal products. By replacing meat calories with starchy grains and vegetables, the death rate in Denmark at this time dropped by 34%. In Norway, the lack of animal product consumption resulted in significantly fewer heart attacks and strokes. These rose again with the reintroduction of animal products after the war.

Independence – You aren’t a sheep following other sheep eating sheep because corrupt industries want you to.

Veganism is a sometimes challenging, daily political act based on an idealistic worldview. I believe many people don’t realize this, and perhaps when they think “vegans are talking about veganism again” , they completely  miss the discussion of politics such as social justice, food sovereignty, sustainability and most importantly DANK food.





Best Apps for Millennials

You don’t have to be a millennial to read this post, I just noticed that I’m at the age where I’m forming many habits and often use apps for guidance! Anyway, here’s my list of  the best FREE apps you can download NOW to be smarter, richer, healthier, happier and more capable of taking on future challenges.

GoodGuide– start forming those conscious consumer decisions now so that they become second nature in the future. I love how this app gives products a score out of 10. See if your favorite food, skin care products, household products and more gets a passing score. Even better… they have #vegan filters!


Buycott– more conscious consumerism, yay! This time more political. No, downloading both GoodGuide and Buycott is not redundant.


Charity Miles– earn $ for the charity of your choice just by moving! Turn on the distance tracker each day and make 25cents/mile walking or 15cents/mile biking. It’s that easy.

Coinbase– it’s never too early to diversify your assets with some tech investments. Bitcoin shares keep rising, just sayin’. Also have to give my boyfriend a shoutout for getting me in on the bitcoin fun.


DailyWorkoutApps– getting moving is SO much harder than staying moving. I’ve used this app for years and don’t plan to stop in 2017; it’s got time settings, easy-to-follow videos, and a daily reminder that goes off when you normally work out.


SoundCloud– because everything is better remixed. Use this app with the DailyWorkoutapps for a #killercombo.


Secant– this game is fun AND flexes your brain muscles. Not to mention my big bro made it!


A meditation app of your choice- use this article^ to find one for your needs. The results are in: meditation has a bunch of positive effects for all that is you (mind, body, self, etc). Start practicing now so that you can be a Yoda when you are old. #YodaNan

Oh, and maybe delete Snapchat; I’ve probably gained weeks on my life.

Ciao for now,

<3 Nan


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